About EIBI

The EIBI program is a comprehensive treatment for children with autism using applied behavior analysis (ABA). This autism treatment is evidence-based and recommended by the Association for Science in Autism and the Surgeon General. It is an intensive approach that has been empirically demonstrated to remediate the core symptoms of autism to a greater extent than any other treatment. Intensity is a critical factor in reaching the greatest outcome and typically 35-40 hours per week is prescribed. This intensive autism service takes place entirely in the child’s home. A team of staff will be assigned to each child to provide direct one-to-one instruction focused on language, social, and behavioral development.

Applied behavior analysis techniques are specifically taught to all of our staff so their interactions with the child increases language and social skills while decreasing difficult or problematic behavior. Our staff are trained to manage non-compliance, aggressive, destructive, self-injurious, and other unwanted behavior often exhibited by children with autism.

Additional clinical resources are provided by experienced supervisors, Board Certified Behavior Analysts and mental health providers to immediately address and remediate behavioral concerns.

The success of the EIBI autism treatment relies on the skillful use of positive reinforcement procedures. Staff will use the child’s preferred items and activities, in combination with social interactions to motivate the child to produce independent language skills. The family and caregivers will work with the supervisor to identify reinforcers specifically for the program. Skills that the child had not learned in other environments will carefully be taught and reinforced before moving on to more advanced skills. Our emphasis on fun and success is obvious when watching our staff work with a child. We strive for “no tears” in our sessions and feel that working with a happy, successful, and motivated child produces learning outcomes often never seen before.

EIBI Intervention Strategies

Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention is comprised of many intervention strategies. Some key components are: discrete trial training, situational teaching, scripted routines, functional communication training, social skills training, and behavior reduction procedures.


How EIBI Works

Individual Skills Building

The first skills we teach are those that lay a foundation for learning any new skill. Learning-to-learn skills will be taught first using a high rate of reinforcement. Coming to work independently, paying attention, and choosing what reinforcer to work for are very important skills to master if the child is to master complex language. Our Language Curriculum consists of over 120 programs. The EIBI program teaches the skill domains of Learning to Learn, Social and Independent Play, Imitation, Receptive language, Social language, and Expressive language. The scope and sequence of the programs ensure that concepts are thoroughly learned with the child being successful each step of the way.

Family and Caregiver Training and Support

A significant factor in the child’s success is family skills training where parents and other caregivers first learn to generalize skills learned in sessions with the therapist, and then learn to use specific strategies to obtain and maintain low rates of problem behavior and high rates of compliance.

If the family or other caregivers are interested in additional training BDI provides a series of trainings on specific parenting strategies called Positive Behavioral Supports for Caregivers (PBSC). The series of trainings teach the family about reinforcement, responding to requests, offering choices, giving instructions, redirection, and responding to upsets. BDI can also provide assistance with toilet training, sleep disorders, feeding disorders, outings, and social skills training as part of the PBSC services.

Common Questions About the EIBI Program

EIBI Service Request Form

If you are interested in obtaining our services, please complete our Service Request Form.
The Service Request Form is available online by clicking the button below.

Minnesota locations include:
Greater metropolitan area, Northern suburbs of Cambridge, Isanti, East Bethel areas, Marshall, St. Cloud, Alexandria, Duluth

Minnesota EIBI Request For Services Form

South Carolina Counties served include:
Greenville, Anderson, Spartanburg, Pickens, Oconee

South Carolina EIBI Request For Services Form