BDI Services

Since 1997, Behavioral Dimensions has provided a variety of high-quality person-centered behavioral services in individual’s natural environments. We work tirelessly to meet the cultural needs of the individuals and families we serve. These services are delivered by teams of mental health professionals, board-certified behavior analysts, and highly trained practitioners. Our approach is comprised of both evaluation and intervention methods derived from the research and practices of applied behavior analysis.

Regardless of the service provided, we work closely with parents and caregivers conducting thorough assessments of individual’s skills and areas of need. We then design person-centered, positive behavioral interventions. The interventions are designed to teach new appropriate, functional skills to individuals, replacing unwanted and interfering behavior. Training, support, and counseling is then provided to children, parents, and caregivers to implement the behavioral interventions.

Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) is a highly effective approach used to teach children with autism and related conditions who have unique learning needs. Intensive Behavioral Intervention services are delivered to children and their families in their homes.

Positive Behavioral Supports for Caregivers (PBSC) services are delivered directly to parents and caregivers through telehealth.  Services are designed to provide training and support to caregivers to teach new appropriate skills to their children while reducing unwanted behavior.

Critical Care Unit for Behavioral Supports (CCUBS) is an intensive service designed to support children and adolescents in Dakota County who experience frequent mental health crises or significant behavioral concerns. We focus on teaching caregivers the strategies they need to confidently support their child through a crisis and maintain safety in their home without walking on eggshells.



Providing comprehensive applied behavior analysis (ABA) services and consultation to individuals with autism and related conditions since 1997